Spareitus - FAQs

I've installed the app what is to do next to use it?

U can directly open "Spareitus" during your Shopify admin panel. First create new lists for a product of your shop or a alias. Then apply products to your list. After that you can embed "Spareitus" UI-Widgets in your storefront, e.g. for finding spare parts.

Spareitus storefront widgets doesn't fit my overall ui-theming. What can i do?

You have multiple options to customize colors and styles of the widget. you also can apply custom wording. If you need more customization options call us at

How do you make sure lists does`not affect the performance of my store?

All "Spareitus" UI-Widgets are implemented with Webcomponent technologie as single-page elements. So there are completely decoupled of the rest of your theming. Also data processing is done asynchronous and data will be cached with the browser's local storage to increase the overall performance. Also we recommend making lists not longer then 20 elements. If you have performance issues regarding "Spareitus" please call us at

Is Spareitus free to use?

No after a trial u can choose between the regular and the enterprise subscription plan.

Is my data secure on Spareitus?

Yes, we take the security of your data seriously. Therefore regularly we test our software for security issues. We also take data privacy seriously. Therefor your data is stored in eu-datacenters with strong privacy reglementations. Data transmission between the us in the eu is covered by the CLOUD Act.

How often does Spareitus receive updates?

We strive to improve Spareitus regularly. Updates are typically released monthly and include new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

Where can I find more information or get help if needed?

For more information or assistance contact our support team at